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CrossFit WOD for 7/11/2013

4 Rounds for Time:

1 Stair Climb
10 Burpee Jump Over Box

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  • Crimlaw says:

    Note: You may jump over the box any of the following ways: jump clearly over the box, jump on the box and off the other side, step onto the box and jump off the other side, or step onto the box and step off the other side.

    Note: You may not touch the box with your hands while you are jumping over it.


    Platinum: As written above. 30 inches for men, 24 for women

    Steel: As written above. 24 inches for men, 20 inches for women

    4 Rounds for Time:
    1 Stair Climb
    7 Burpee Jump Over Box (24 or 20) (not gender specific)

    4 Rounds for Time:
    1 Stair Climb
    5 Burpee Jump Over Box (short boxes)

  • JoeD says:

    Did Platinum this morning: 8:41 (I think). Nothing causes you to focus more than 30″ box jumps!

    Cash-out with strict pull-ups: Round 1 – 22; Round 2 – 17; Round 3 – 10 L-sit chin-ups

    Good job 6 am’ers!

  • Jake says:

    Platinum: I believe 7:44 – This WOD should be called “Frogger”!

    Strict Pull-Ups cash-out: 14, 9, 8 (L-sit chin-ups)

  • TheDude says:

    Platinum in 8:31

  • Crimlaw says:

    Platinum: 6:30