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CrossFit WOD for 7/15/2013

4 Rounds:

Max Effort Ring Pushups
Max Effort Pullups

There is no time element to this WOD.  You must proceed from the Ring Pushups immediately to the Pullups.  However, you may rest as long as you want between rounds.

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above. If you have never performed ring pushups in a WOD before today, you may try them during the warmup. The coach on duty will then determine whether you use the rings or scale to Steel.

    Steel: As written above, but with regular pushups

    No Brass, no Bronze

    Use appropriate progressions for pushups and pullups, i.e. box pushups and banded pullups.

  • Jake says:

    Ring Pushups: 25, 23, 21, 20
    Pullups: 14, 10, 8, 8

    Cashout: 14 reps at 105

  • JoeD says:

    Ring push-ups: 35, 35, 25, 27
    Pull-ups (done strict): 22, 17, 13, 14

    Cashout of Squat Cleans @ 115 lbs AMRAP in 5 minutes: 15 reps

  • Kells Bells says:

    Box push-ups: 20, 20, 17, 21
    Pull-ups (green band): 20, 15, 11, 14 (?) drawing a blank on my last set of pullups
    Cashout – 20 @ 55lbs

    I should have taken a photo of the board – not sure how accurate these numbers are. Fun to be with the morning crew today!

  • JoeD says:


    My strict pull-ups were as follows: 17, 16, 13, 14

    I inadvertently posted 22 for my first round. 22 is my max strict pull-up number from last week. After 35 ring push ups, 17 is more realistic!

  • moneypenny says:

    I believe my reps for ring push-ups and pull-ups were as follows:
    20, 20
    17, 20
    17, 20
    15, 9 (SOMEONE made me laugh and lose focus)