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CrossFit WOD for 7/18/2013

4 Rounds for Time:

2 Rope Climbs
10 Wall Ball 2’fers (20/14)

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  • Crimlaw says:


    If you have not done Rope Climbs in a WOD, you must receive permission from a coach before doing them in this WOD. Open Gym is a great time to work on your Rope Climbs and learn how to use your feet.

    Platinum: As writen above.

    3 Rounds for time:
    2 Rope Climbs
    10 Wall Ball 2’fers (20/14)

    4 Rounds for time:
    6 Pullup/Knees-to-Elbow
    10 Regular Wall Balls (20/14) or Wall Ball 2’fers if you are able to perform them to coach’s satisfaction in the warmup.

    3 Rounds for time:
    6 Pullup/Knees-to-Elbow
    10 Regular Wall Balls (20/14)

  • Jake says:

    Platinum: 6:19 (*including some waiting for the rope) Thanks Joe D for keeping the pressure on!

    The 2’fers were a good challenge but definately a skill to work on. I felt the 12 hour turnaround for sure!

  • JoeD says:

    Platinum: 6:57(*Like Jake, including some wait time for the rope).

    Wall ball 2’fers were interesting. Requires a bit more concentration, a higher throw and a fast squat!