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CrossFit WOD for 7/23/2013

“The Joe D”

As Many Reps As Possible in 12 Mins

Strict Pullups

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  • Jillness says:

    Is this the half savior/half baller WOD? Sounds like it.

  • Lizzi Mac says:


  • Crimlaw says:

    For the man who refuses to kip, this is for you Joe D.


    Everyone is Platinum.

    If you cannot do/struggle with strict pullups without a band, use a band. But, pick a band that you can use the entire 12 min. No switching bands mid-WOD. If you cannot do banded strict pullups, do ring rows.

    It is better to scale too much and gets lots of rep than not scale enough and do a lot of standing around.

    Any grip on the bar is acceptable as long as you move from a dead hang with straight arms to chin over the bar. Any movement of the shoulders or hips in a kipping motion will be a no rep. Don’t forget to hold that hollow positioning.

  • DianeD says:

    I know an old Marine who will kick butt in this WOD. Show up tomorrow at 6AM to watch!

  • Jake says:

    Great job this morning Joe D on hitting triple digits!

    66 for me – Glad to have more people join at 6am!

  • JoeD says:

    First, I enjoyed the early chime in by Jill-ness with comment above!

    Second, what a great crowd for the 6 am class. Good job to all and especially to Marine Jim!

    Third, completed 106 strict pull-ups in 12 minutes. Focused on dead hang and hollow position this morning. Made the WOD extra challenging.

    Finally, want to welcome Myers who came to CF Alloy for his first WOD. Looking forward to have him join us and adding to the ever growing group of competitive athletes.

  • Kells Bells says:

    41 – green band (wasn’t sure how many I was gonna be able to do strict so I was pretty happy with this)

    Really fun group this morning and I was so glad I got up today so I could do the “Joe D” WOD with the man himself…..and he didn’t disappoint. 🙂 Great job Joe, and everyone.

  • TheDude says:

    We had a terrific group for the 5:30 tonight. I love to see the place filled up like that.


  • Crimlaw says:

    91 in 12 min. I think my lats will be sore. Huge 5:30

  • moneypenny says:


    Great class….big class….I’m pretty sure people who only heard that they would get to “do Joe D” had a something different in mind than 12 minutes of pull-ups…. 😉