Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes:
2 Hang Power Cleans
10 Situps
Start with a moderate Hang Power Clean weight and lay some extra weight around your lifting area. Every minute that you successfully complete both movements, increase your clean weight. If you fail to complete both movements within any given minute, reduce the weight to the last successfully completed weight and stay there for the remainder of the 10 minutes.
Post Highest Weight Lifted to Comments
Note: Each minute must start with a deadlift, pause, then hang power clean. The hang power clean cannot be pulled in one continuous motion from the floor.
In order for the second hang power clean to count, the athlete may not return the bar to the ground between reps. In other words, after the first hang power clean, the athlete must return the bar to the hang position and then perform the second hang power clean.
All situps are to be performed on an AbMat.
Platinum: As written above
EMOM 10 min
2 Hang Power Cleans (adjust weight as written above)
7 Situps
worked up to 155 on the power cleans and 6 score on the tabata burpee cashout
Got up to 145 on hang power cleans. Tabata burpee cash-out: 6 (did 6 reps for all 8 rounds).
It’s starting to crowded. I think we should knock down a wall.
I surprised myself by making it to 185 on this, and I bet I could have gone higher if JP hadn’t been so stingy with changing the weights. Just kidding.
Got up to 133lb….really pumped about that!