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CrossFit WOD for 8/3/2015

The Summer Showdown has come and gone and the Industrial Athletics athletes did really well.  Their time and dedication through the daily programming and the Competition class really paid off.  WAY TO GO!

The next competition for our athletes is the 2015 CrossFit Iron City Meltdown.  It is September 27th (yes, a Sunday).  It is also another partner competition.  We already have 2 male/female teams signed up.

Today starts our August Strength Program.  The Push Jerk is the first movement of the month.  A complicated movement used to drive a heavy bar from shoulder to overhead, the Push Jerk requires a quick dip and drive followed by a redip under the bar.  Use today to work on speed and form for the redip.  Heavier weight will come as the month progresses.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 8/3/2015:

Push Jerk
8, 8, 8, 8, 8

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes:
5 Handstand Pushups (level/abmat)
7 Power Cleans (155/105)
10 Toes to Bar

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