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CrossFit WOD for 8/6/2013

2 Rounds For Time:

Run 500m
50 Double Unders
Road Sprint
75 Double Unders
Stair Run
100 Double Unders

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above

    2 Rounds for time:
    Run 500m
    35 Doulbe Unders or 3x Single Unders
    Road Sprint
    60 Double Unders or 3x Single Unders
    Stair Climb
    85 Double Unders or 3x Single Unders

    2 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    25 Doubles Unders or 3x Single Unders
    Road Sprint
    50 Double Unders or 3x Single Unders
    Stair Climb
    75 Double Unders or 3x Single Unders

    2 Rounds for Time:
    Run 500m
    15 Tuck Jumps
    Road Sprint
    30 Tuck Jumps
    Stair Climb
    45 Tuck Jumps

  • JoeD says:

    Did Steel with 3 x Single Unders (that’s a lot of jump roping!): 20 minutes something

    Great job to Jake who did a fantastic job with his double-unders!

  • DianeD says:

    Somehow, Jim and I missed the part about TWO rounds. So, it was mental torture after the first round. Jim – 24:18, Diane – 24:50

  • Jake says:

    Thanks JoeD! That was a hell of a lot of double-unders but glad I did them because I keep getting better!

    Did RX: 25:39 – Great competiton with Dave this morning. He did even better with the double-unders and pulled away during the second round.

  • moneypenny says:

    19: 40-something, Rx

    Tough wod! It was great doing battle with JP.