The CrossFit Alloy WOD for Halloween:
For Time:
30 Kipping Pullups
1 Road Sprint
15 Strict Pullups
Run 500m
7 Weight Pullups (45/25)
Run 1000m
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Once again, the weather may be cold, so dress to run outside. This WOD is going to be all about the running. So, relax the shoulders so you don’t burn out of the pullups.
Platinum: As written above.
20 Kipping Pullups
1 Road Sprint
10 Strict Pullups
Run 500m
5 Weighted Pullups (45/25)
Run 1000m
20 Banded Pullups
1 Road Sprint
10 Strict Banded Pullups
Run 500m
5 Unassisted Pullups or Pullups with lighter band
Run 1000m
20 Banded Pullups or ring rows
1 Stair Climb
10 Strict Banded Pullups or ring rows
1 Road Sprint
5 Lighter band pullups or ring rows
Run 500m
Platinum: 15:15
Good job, Jake, for joining me on plaitinum!
Thanks Joe although it may not have been the best choice… still working on my kip technique… got 16 something