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CrossFit WOD, Road Warrior, and Yoga for 2/24/2015

By February 23, 20154 Comments

Don’t forget that the new Yoga class starts today at 7:30pm.  That means that Industrial Athletics now offers two yoga classes for your convenience:  Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Saturdays at 12:30pm.  These classes are additional services offered at Industrial Athletics.  As such, there is an additional cost.  For those who are members of other Industrial Athletics service, each yoga classes costs $5.00.  For any non-members, the cost is $7.00.  Still the lowest in Pittsburgh.  Please bring your payment to class.  We will add a punch card/credit card option to Mindbody as popularity grows.

If you are participating in the Open of Friday, and plan to record your score on the Open website, you may want to consider scaling the rest of the week so that you are at the top of your game on Friday.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/24/2015:

4 Rounds of Max Effort Static Ring Dip hold at full lockout
then . . .
3 Rounds
Beginner:  10 Jumping Ring Dip Negatives
Intermediate:  10 Ring Dips with Feet on Box
Advanced:  10 Strict Ring Dips

4 Rounds for Reps:
30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Parallette)
10 Sec Rest
30 Sec Pushups
10 Sec Rest
30 Sec Double Unders
10 Sec Rest
30 Sec Burpees
1 Minute Rest

Post Reps to Comments

10:00am – Road Warrior Boot Camps

7:30pm – Yoga with Amanda Rubio


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Parallette)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Double Unders (attempts count)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Bar with Bumper Plates)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups (may be from knees)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Bar with Metal Plates)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups (may be from knees with Ab Mat under chest)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Parallette)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Double Unders (attempts count)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Bar with Bumper Plates)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups (may be from knees)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

    4 Rounds for Reps:
    30 Sec Ski Jumpers (over Bar with Metal Plates)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Pushups (may be from knees with Ab Mat under chest)
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Single Unders
    10 Sec Rest
    30 Sec Burpees
    1 Minute Rest

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 477 reps

  • Jake says:

    Platinum – 477 reps