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CrossFit WOD for 10/30/2013

By October 29, 20133 Comments

The CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/30/2013:

Squat Snatches

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

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In November, we will be starting a lot of skill work on the Olympic Lifts:  Clean and Jerk and Snatches.  You need to lift heavy for this WOD and find your 1 rep max.  Then, in another month or two, we will program this movement again and see how you progress.

This WOD will be followed by a Metcon.  But, you will have to attend to find out what it is.

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: Everyone is Platinum for this WOD. It is a tricky move, so concentrate on proper form and lift as heavy as you are able. Your goal is to find that max amount of weight that you are able to squat clean only one time.

  • JoeD says:

    Highest weight for snatch was 85 lbs. Focused on form and finally got the snatch right into the squat!

    As far as the Sceret MetCon, I’ll just say I learned how to do a kipping handstand push-up and had a time of 7:07 with a good head-to-head competition with Brian (who edged me out by 3 seconds @ 7:04).

  • Rafa says:

    145 lbs on the squat snatch – 10# PR
    5:49 on the MetCon cash-out.

    Joe – nice job on the kipping HSPUs! makes a world of a difference.