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CrossFit WODs for 1/3/2015 and Yoga

For the first Saturday of 2015, we are going to keep it the same schedule:  CrossFit Competition class, Regular CrossFit Class, and Yoga.  We may be changing our Yoga schedule in the near future.  If there is a better time for you, let us know.  For those who are planning to compete in the 2015 Winter Chiller on January 31st, make sure you are attend Competition Class as we will be discussing various strategies and doing workouts similar to what has been programmed in the past.

9:30am – Competition Class

Wod #1
Max Effort Overhead Squat in 10 Minutes

Rest 10 Minutes

Wod #2
As Many Points as Possible in 6 Minutes:
Pushups (1 Point)
Squats (1 Point)
Situps (1 Point)
Burpees (3 Points)
Note:  You may pick to do any or all of these movements for as many reps and in whatever order you choose.

Rest 10 Minutes

Wod #3
For Time:
Row 1000M
3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)
20 KB Swings (1.5/1)

11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class

4 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min Ski Jumpers
20 Sec Rest
1 Min Pushups
20 Sec Rest
1 Min Front Rack Lunges (75/55)
20 Sec Rest
1 Min Bar over Burpees
20 Sec Rest

12:30pm – Yoga with Janna