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CrossFit WODs for 12/26/2015

By December 25, 2015One Comment

We hope everyone had a nice break the last couple of days.  We are back to normal schedule today.  Competition class, designed for those who want to compete, will be at 9:30am and last for an hour and a half.  The Regular class will start at 11am and run for the regular hour. There will be no Mobility class.

CrossFit Alloy WODs for 12/26/2015:

9:30am – Competition Class

WOD #1:
Overhead Squats
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (85%)

WOD #2:
3 Rounds For Time:
Row 500m
21 Burpees
12 Thrusters (95/65)

WOD #3:
ARMAP 8 Minutes:
8 Chest To Bar Pullups
10 Situps
12 Walking Lunges

11:00am – Regular CrossFit Class

Partner WOD:
8 Rounds for Time:
Row 300m
15 Burpees
9 Thrusters (95/65)
*alternate working partner for each movement


Join the discussion One Comment

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    8 Rounds for Time:
    Row 300m
    15 Burpees
    9 Thrusters (75/55)
    *alternate working partner for each movement

    6 Rounds for Time:
    Row 300m
    12 Burpees
    9 Thrusters (75/55)
    *alternate working partner for each movement

    8 Rounds for Time:
    Row 200m
    10 Burpees
    8 Thrusters (55/35)
    *alternate working partner for each movement