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CrossFit WODs for 7/25/2015

Next Saturday we will be closed for the 2015 Summer Showdown.  The annual summer competition at CrossFit Athletics is always a great competition to test our fitness.  This year, the Summer Showdown is a partner competition.  Industrial Athletics has 5 teams currently signed up to compete.  Put on your blue and white and come support us as we work our hardest.

Today’s Regular CrossFit WOD will be a partner/team wod.

CrossFit Alloy WODS for 7/25/2015:

9:30am – Competition Class – We are getting ready for August 1.  It is 1 week away.

WOD 1:
3 Rounds for Time: (break up between partners)
1 Garage Sprint
20 Handstand Pushups
30 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)
40 Double Unders

WOD 2:
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Power Cleans (185/125)
Front Squats (185/125)
Note:  One partner working at a time.  Partner 1 does 5 Cleans, then partner 2 does 5 cleans.  Partner 1 does 5 front squats, then partner 2 does 5 front squats.  Then 4, 3, 2, and 1

WOD 3:
4 Rounds For Time:
15 Cal Row
15 Pullups
15 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
15 STO (115/75)
Note:  One Partner works at a time.  Partners must alternate movements.  Partner 1 Rows, Partner 2 Pullups, Partner 1 Toes to Bar, Partner 2 burpees, Partner 1 STO, Partner 2 Row, Partner 1 Pullups, and so on.

WOD 4:
Accessory Work if Time Remains:
50 Ring Dips for Time
Note:  Everyone working as an individual

11:00am – Regular CrossFit  PARTNER WOD

Accessory Work:
50 Wall Balls for Time (20/14)(10’/9′)

4 Rounds For Time:
15 Cal Row
15 Pullups
15 Toes to Bar
15 Burpees
15 STO (95/65)
Note:  One Partner works at a time.  Partners must alternate movements.  Partner 1 Rows, Partner 2 Pullups, Partner 1 Toes to Bar, Partner 2 burpees, Partner 1 STO, Partner 2 Row, Partner 1 Pullups, and so on.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds For Time:
    15 Cal Row
    15 Pullups
    15 Toes to Bar
    15 Burpees
    15 STO (75/55)

    4 Rounds For Time:
    15 Cal Row
    15 Pullups (may be banded)
    15 Hanging Leg Raises
    15 Burpees
    15 STO (75/55)

    4 Rounds For Time:
    10 Cal Row
    10 Ring Rows
    10 Sit ups
    10 Burpees
    10 STO (55/35)

  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    4 Rounds For Time:
    15 Cal Row
    15 Pullups
    15 Toes to Bar
    15 Burpees
    15 STO (75/55)

    4 Rounds For Time:
    15 Cal Row
    15 Pullups (may be banded)
    15 Hanging Leg Raises
    15 Burpees
    15 STO (75/55)

    4 Rounds For Time:
    10 Cal Row
    10 Ring Rows
    10 Sit ups
    10 Burpees
    10 STO (55/35)