Today’s WOD will be a little different with the format. Generally, we perform a heavy lift by itself and then don’t use any part of that lift during the MetCon. However, today, we will combine the strength and MetCon. We will establish a 1 rep Deadlift (maybe you will PR). We will then use a percentage of that weight, not for more deadlifts, but for cleans. These may be power cleans or squats cleans. You will perform a designated number of cleans as fast as possible, rest no more than 3 Minutes and do it again.
Make sure you write down your Clean weight. We will use it again in a couple of weeks.
Remember, no 4:30pm or 5:30pm classes tonight.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/12/2016:
Estabish 1 Rep Deadlift in 10 Min:
then . . .
15 Cleans for Time (50% of Deadlift)
12 Cleans for Time
9 Cleans for Time
Rest no more than 3 Minutes between Sets
Post Weight for Deadlift and Cleans to Comments
6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club
Platinum: Since this is based on a percentage of what you can lift, everyone is Platinum for this WOD.