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DUs and TTB for 2/6/2018

By February 5, 2018One Comment

If you haven’t noticed yet, our cardio benchmark for this month is a 500m Row for Time.  We can’t test our time at the end of the month if we don’t have a pre-established time for comparison.  As such, we will set that time today.  Be sure to record your time so that you have a comparison when we retest on February 28th.

Industrial Athletics WOD fir 2/6/2018:

Row Test:
500m for Time

EMOM 12 Min:
Min 1: 30 DUs
Min 2: 10 TTB
Min 3: 20 DU and 5 TTB

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    EMOM 12 Min:
    Min 1: 30 DUs
    Min 2: 7 TTB
    Min 3: 20 DU and 5 TTB

    EMOM 12 Min:
    Min 1: 20 DUs or 60 SUs
    Min 2: 7 Hanging Leg Raises
    Min 3: 10 DU or 30 SUs and 5 HLR

    EMOM 12 Min:
    Min 1: 45 SUs
    Min 2: 10 Sit Ups
    Min 3: 30 SUs and 5 Situps