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DUs, HSPUs, and Ring Dips for 11/2/2017

By November 1, 2017One Comment

Have you seen some new faces around the gym?  We are full into our November Fundamentals Program, so make sure you introduce yourself if you see a new face.

Don’t forget that we have a taco party this Saturday night at Jim and Diane’s.  Make sure you sign up if you plan to attend.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 11/2/2017:

E2MOM 8 Min:
Push Press
5, 5, 5, 5 (85%)

100 DUs
10 HSPUs
ME Ring Dips
Rest 2 Min
Repeat 3 times

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    AMRAP 4 MIn
    75 DUs
    8 HSPUs (may use 1 ab mat)
    ME Ring Dips (may use red or blue band)
    Rest 2 Min
    Repeat 3 times

    AMRAP 4 MIn
    60 DUs or 180 SUs
    8 Piked HSPUs
    ME Box Dips
    Rest 2 Min
    Repeat 3 times

    AMRAP 4 MIn
    125 SUs
    8 DB Shoulder Press (25/15)
    ME Push Ups (may use box)
    Rest 2 Min
    Repeat 3 times