Fight Gone was the WOD for choice for the January 2016 Athlete of the Month, PT. Did you miss her QandA? Here you go:
When you are preparing for Fight Gone Bad for the first time, keep in mind that this WOD was created to mimic what it is like to be in a mixed martial arts fight. 3 Rounds, each lasting 5 minutes, with a minute rest in between. It is meant to get you out of breath and keep you there. Pick a scale that is going to allow you to keep moving and complete a lot of reps.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 1/28/2016:
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (85%)
Fight Gone Bad
Three rounds for Reps:
1 Min Wall-balls (20/14)(10/9)
1 Min Sumo deadlift high-pulls (75/55)
1 Min Box Jump, 20″” box
1 Min Push-press (75/55)
1 Min Row (Calories)
1 Min Rest
Post Total Reps to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
3 Rounds for Reps
1 Min Wall Balls (20/14)(10/8)
1 Min Sumodeadlift High Pulls (55/35)
1 Min Box Jumps (20″)
1 Min Push Press (55/35)
1 Min Row for Calories
1 Min Rest
3 Rounds for Reps
1 Min Wall Balls (14/10)(9/8)
1 Min Sumodeadlift High Pulls (55/35)
1 Min Box Jumps (Short Box)
1 Min Push Press (55/35)
1 Min Row for Calories
1 Min Rest
“Five-fifteen gone bad”
RX – 232
Great turn out today!