We have an abridged schedule this week. Make sure you pay attention to the website and Social Media. Regular schedule on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday will be 10am ONLY. Friday will be an Open Gym from 9am to 11am. Saturday will be back to normal.
A couple of weeks ago, we did a snatch complex with a percentage of our 1 rep hang power snatch. Most of our numbers were out of date and some of our members did not have a 1 rep number established. So, let’s do it today.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 11/23/2015:
Olympic Lifting Accessory:
Max Effort Hang Power Snatch
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min: Rowing for Cals
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pistols
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Double Unders
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pushups
30 Sec Rest
Post Weight and Reps to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min: Rowing for Cals
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pistol Progressions
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Double Unders
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pushups
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min: Rowing for Cals
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pistol Progressions
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Tuck Jumps
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pushups (Knees)
30 Sec Rest
3 Rounds for Reps:
1 Min: Rowing for Cals
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Walking Lunges
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Single Unders
30 Sec Rest
1 Min: Pushups (Knees)
30 Sec Rest
Welcome back Jake!
120# Hang Power Snatch – PR
Thanks Joe for the push-up adjustments!!!!
Great to have you back in the mix at 6:15 am, Jake!
Hang Power Snatch: 105 lbs. PR
Platinum: 390 Thanks for pushing me, BG, on the pistols and push-ups!