To kick off the new year, Industrial Athletics is doing the 100,000lb challenge. Each athlete will be responsible for lifting 100,000lbs of weight throughout the month. This does not include class time, so creativity will have to play into this effort. Each day, a chart will be updated with accurate weight amounts for each member. Once the goal is achieved, each finisher will have a chance to win a new pair of Reebok shoes! So, how do you even get to that goal weight? In the paragraphs below, there will be some ideas to help you complete the challenge.
In The Gym
Depending on your gym membership and availability, you may have to accumulate more daily reps than someone who has a home gym. You will have to average between 3,500 – 4K lbs. per day throughout the month if you’re planning to lift every day. If you are only coming to the gym 3x a week, your weight will have to increase to 8k + per day. This may involve heavier weights per session. Lifts might include heavy squats, deadlifts, or cleans. Give yourself a time domain and try to get a higher rep volume in a short period of time. This will allow for efficient time management while still hitting your goal. An example of this would be an 8 min EMOM with 8 reps at 125lb squats. This would give you 8k lbs in 8 minutes.
At Home
Are you someone with a home gym? If so, this will be a great time to utilize it. Be sure to take advantage of the time that you have outside of the gym as well. In order to accumulate the full 100k lbs, it may take some extra time. If you do not have a full gym, use whatever equipment you do have for high volume reps. There are many easy time domain techniques that you could use. This might include a Tabata, EMOM, 0:30 on/0:30 off, Max reps in a 1:00, etc. Try to be as creative as possible to make this efficient and fun.
Putting It Together
The ‘tips and tricks’ video is on our IA Instagram page linked below. The point of the challenge is to be creative, get stronger and push your body to do something that you can be proud of. Again, utilize quick sets to get more weight recorded without using up much time. Have a good time and try to increase your fitness. Use the challenge as a kickstart to move more weight throughout the month and throughout the new year. Feel free to do this challenge again and reference this blog for ideas.
Instagram Video Link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmWdsmuAskb/?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=