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HSPUs and DUs for 1/17/2019

By January 17, 2019No Comments

Industrial Athletics – CrossFit

Any time you see a WOD that is Rounds for Reps, approach it with the goal of maximizing your reps. Skill days are a great time to work on a hard progression of a movement. Rounds for Reps are not that time. You have a very limited amount of time during a WOD like this. Pick scale that allows you to get a lot of reps and get exhausted.

Front Squat 1 @ 90%

E2MOM 10 Min:

Front Squat

1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (90%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

4 Rounds for Reps

1 Min HSPU

1 Min DU