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In today’s newsletter, the topic will be about the core values of Industrial Athletics. The core values of a business help to shape the vision, mission, and principles of the organization. It is important that the leadership and members know what these principles are so that they can be the example for how the business will run. Today we will discuss what these values are for our gym.

Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can mean so many different things. It is a bit of a broad statement. When we talk about this, we mean the whole picture. We strive to demonstrate healthy mind and body. This includes the way we coach, interact with members, and live outside of the gym. Each month, we write a blog about mental health. This helps to highlight the importance of our mental health in the pursuit of optimal wellness. As a CrossFit gym, we offer group and private training sessions to our members to express the importance of a healthy body. Nutrition is at the foundation of the CrossFit pyramid. This is the start of living a healthy lifestyle. We offer nutrition coaching, run challenges, and hold events to bring the mind and body connection together. This helps our athletes create a healthy lifestyle to achieve their fitness and  life goals.


The next core value is to have Integrity Always. This is a phrase that we have used over the years as the meaning of the “IA”. Integrity Always is what we have preached for many years. Having integrity means doing what you say and saying what you mean. Integrity requires honesty and trust. This can be a trait that many great individuals and leaders lack. As an athlete, and in life, integrity can go a very long way. We strive to build this character trait in our athletes and uphold it within our leadership. 


The next core value is to be humble in everything that we do. CrossFit as a sport does a very good job at humbling athletes all on its own. We like to take this aspect of the sport and showcase it with our words and actions. To be humble is to set the ego aside and allow yourself to be gracious for where you’re at. This is not to say that we are not reaching for better and pushing our athletes. We want to promote an atmosphere that is safe while helping you break through barriers to unlock your best self.

Embrace Adversity

Our last core value is to constantly embrace adversity. As a human, we will be faced with adversity. The idea is to embrace it and view it as something that you can learn and grow from rather that allowing it to define or defeat you. This is again, something that can be viewed in the gym or out in the real world. Adversity will come but how you respond to it is what matters. We program difficult workouts each week that push you to encounter adversity. Our coaches are there to ensure that you are safe and make it through feeling better than you did when you walked in.