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June Weekend WODs

Weekend Workouts in June

This month, we will be focusing on a few more honorable workouts to follow our trend from Murph. This time, they will fall on the weekend, so please try to make it if you can. This weekend, we have “Eva Strong”. The WOD will be to honor one of the elementary school teachers who were killed in Texas last month. The second one will be a Juneteenth WOD to celebrate the end of slavery in America. The last workout will be next weekend to celebrate pride month. We will go in more detail about that in next week’s Tuesday Talk Newsletter.


The WOD will be in honor of Eva Mireles. She was a fourth grade school teacher at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. She was one of the many victims who were killed in the shooting last month. While trying to protect her students, she was shot. She leaves behind her husband, daughter, students, and countless memories. Eva was also a CrossFitter in the same district as her school. The members from her box had nothing but kind words to say about her. In honor of her life, they created a WOD to share with the CrossFit community to make sure that her memory was not forgotten about.

The WOD is a partner workout that is 5 rounds for time. The number 5 represents the month of May. The first movement is 24 double-unders which represents that date of the shooting. The next movement is 19 toes to bar which is split between the two partners. This represents the 19 children who were killed that day. This is followed by 2 clean and jerks which are also split between the two partners. The 2 represents the two teachers who were killed. The workout is finished with a 400 m run.


Juneteenth is celebrated in America to commemorate the official end of slavery in the United States. Although this is a national holiday, it is still not widely known or celebrated. This is an opportunity to do what IA does best, which is embracing diversity through fitness. CrossFit has created several WODs to honor the holiday and this year we will be adding it to our weekend workouts. On this day, we celebrate equal rights and freedom for all.

The WOD starts with 65 seconds of silence. This allows athletes to reflect on the meaning of the workout. Then the workout consists of 6 rounds for time starting with a 400m, weighted run. The 6 is represented by the month of June. That is followed by 19 dumbbell hang squat cleans which represented the date. Then you will perform 18 devil’s presses that represents the first part of the year. Finally, you finish with 65 weighted Russian twists which represents the second part of the year.


At IA, we take pride in being a community for everyone. We work hard and participate in WODs that make us better athletes and people. When you are doing these workouts, remember the sacrifice that each stands for.