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Max Effort Wall Balls for 3/16/2016

This is the second max effort workout this week.  On Monday, we found out how well we could move weight through a highly technical lift with increasing weight.  At times, it was an inability to lift the weight that caused us to rest.  Today’s max effort movements is wall balls.  Not nearly as heavy or technical as a snatch, this max effort will test your ability to keep pushing while tired and out of breath.  There is no rest in this max effort workout.  If the wall ball stops moving, you must perform burpees and muscle ups before continuing to throw the wall ball.  Be sure to pay attention to how your body feels during this max effort workout as compared to Monday’s.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 3/16/2016:

Olympic Lifting Accessory Work:
EMOM 8 Min:
3 Clean and Jerks
*all reps should be tap and go
*Athletes may adjust weight for skill or strength

AMRAP 10 Min:
Max Effort Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
When Wall Ball Stops Moving:
4 Burpees
2 Muscle Ups

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    AMRAP 10 Min:
    Max Effort Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
    When Wall Ball Stops Moving:
    4 Burpees
    2 Chest to Bar Pullups

    AMRAP 10 Min:
    Max Effort Wall Balls (20/14)(10/8)
    When Wall Ball Stops Moving:
    3 Burpees
    2 Chest to Bar Pullups (Banded)

    AMRAP 10 Min:
    Max Effort Wall Balls (14/10)(9/8)
    When Wall Ball Stops Moving:
    2 Burpees
    2 Jumping Chest To Bar Pullups