As we get closer to Memorial Day, we begin to think about what Murph is all about. What does the workout stand for? What did the life of Lt. Michael Murphy mean? These are questions that we ask ourselves around this time of year. In the sport of CrossFit, we encounter mental toughness. According to Oxford Reference, Mental Toughness is described as “a quality of mind or intellect characterized by, among other things, a refusal to be intimidated, a determination to finish a contest even when things are going badly, and an ability to control emotions and remain highly focused when under the pressure of intense competition.” This does not consider physical toughness or strength, but rather a mindset that allows you to succeed.
When we do a benchmark or hero WOD, we generally have to push our bodies and minds past our comfort zone. We may even have to stay in that zone for the majority of the workout. Many of us can relate to a time when you finished a tough workout and celebrated the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. That feeling is overcoming adversity. When we push ourselves through a hard workout or time in life and come out on the other side, we win. We learn a lesson each time this happens. That is the goal that we strive for when we take on Murph.
Hero WODs are more than just a challenging workout. They are typically created in memory of an individual who has died in the line of duty and represent the core values of CrossFit. These heroes have made an incredible impact in our community. This is why we embrace the challenges, hard work and unity in our boxes. Our ask this year, is that you keep the sacrifice of our fallen heroes in mind when you’re completing Murph. Be proud of your hard work and celebrate overcoming adversity.
As a reminder, we will be doing our annual Memorial Day cookout and potluck proceeding the Murph workouts. The heats will be at 7:30 am, 8:30 am, and 9:30 am on Monday, May 30th, with the cookout following. Come out and pay tribute to our fallen heroes by participating in one of the three heats, and enjoy some delicious food and fellowship afterwards!