For the last few weeks, we have been working on our Muscle Ups. For those who wee able, we have spent time working on the transitions from before the object to above. For those who have not yet developed that strength, we worked on building strength in our pullups and pushups. We saw a lot of people improve muscle ups with lighter bands, and we saw a number of people achieve their first bar muscle up. Today, we will put it all together.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 10/15/2015:
Gymnastics Skill Work:
EMOM 5 Minutes:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Scale to 6 Chest to Bar Pullups, 6 Pullups, 6 Banded Pullups, 6 Hard Ring Row.
For Time:
200 Double Unders
100 Squats
50 Ring Dips
25 Toes to Bar
Lying Banded Hamstring Stretches
Platinum: As written above.
For Time:
150 Double Unders
75 Squats
35 Ring Dips
15 Toes to Bar
For Time:
100 Double Unders or 300 Single Unders
50 Squats
30 Hand Release Pushups (may be from knees)
15 Hanging Leg Raises
For Time:
200 Single Unders
50 Squats
30 Pushups (may be from knees)
15 Lying Leg Raises