We are almost halfway through September. The weather is finally starting to cool down. Just as a reminder, until it gets into the low 40’s, we will continue to utilize running to help develop our cardiovascular capacity. Make sure you dressing in layers and are prepared to run outside in chilly weather.
How are you 3 months goals progressing? Make sure you ask a coach if you need some help reaching your goals faster.
For those who have a goal involving muscle ups, make sure you use today to develop that strength. Consider scaling to chest to bar pullups and ring dips to help you develop the strength to pull as high as possible. This will help you achieve the first part of muscle ups, getting above the bar or rings.
For those who chose pistols as a goal, 10 is a medium range, pick a slightly harder progression than what you are used to doing.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 9/14/2015:
Core Work:
3x20sec Side Plank Hold
100 Situps for Time
3 Rounds for time:
7 MU
10 Pistols
14 1 Arm KB Snatches (1.5/1)
Platinum: As written above.
3 Rounds for time:
3 Bar MU (may be banded)
6 Pistols
10 1 Arm KB Snatches (1.25/0.75)
3 Rounds for time:
5 Chest to Bar Pullups (banded)/ 7 Hand Release Pushups(knees)
8 Pistols (progressions)
10 1 Arm KB Snatches (1/0.5)
3 Rounds for time:
5 Ring Rows/5 Pushups (knees)
8 Walking Lunges (8 each leg)
10 1 Arm KB Snatches (0.75/0.25)