It is the end of December. That means it is also the end of 2015. Looking back, this year has been amazing. So many positive changes that we truly are better today then ever. That is in large part because of our wonderful Community. You all make Industrial Athletics great. We can’t wait to see what 2016 brings. Regardless of the challenges, big or small, we know that our Community will support everything through them and always lend a helping hand.
Don’t forget, it is New Years Eve. We have an abridged schedule today: 5:15am, 6:15am, 9am, and noon only today.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/31/2015:
Core Work:
Tabata Lying Leg Lifts
AMRAP 20 Min:
10 Overhead Squats (95/65)
12 Burpees
15 Pullups
Shoulder Sequence on the pullup rig
Post Rounds to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
AMRAP 20 Min:
10 Overhead Squats (75/55)
12 Burpees
15 Pullups
AMRAP 20 Min:
6 Overhead Squats (75/55)
8 Burpees
10 Pullups (May be banded)
AMRAP 20 Min:
6 Overhead Squats (55/35)
8 Burpees
10 Ring Rows