It brings us great pleasure to announce the October 2015 Athlete of the Month. Mary and her family moved to Pittsburgh a couple of years ago. She was about a year into CrossFit, having started at CrossFit Boomtown. She earned her CrossFit L1 Trainer Certificate and started coaching of us in the Fall of 2013.
From the prospective of an employer, Mary was a fantastic employee. Covering the early morning classes, 9am, and noon, she was always on time, always motivating, and always professional. She was able to handle situations that arose suddenly giving me the peace of mind that everything was running smoothly while I was away from the gym.
From a fellow CrossFitter’s prospective, it has been amazing to watch Mary overcome some physical limitations. After suffering from some issues with her spine, Mary has fought to come back after surgery to push past her pre-surgery PR’s. Unfortunately, Industrial Athletics was not able to find Mary’s full potential. However, we know that anywhere she goes, she will continue to be an image of “Never Give Up.”
Finally, from the prospective of a friend, Mary will be deeply missed. Over the last couple of years, she has assisted me in making numerous decisions to benefit the gym. She provided an alternative prospective to resolving issues, and she has never been afraid to tell me what she is really thinking.
Soon, Mary will be headed to Florida to start another path in her life. Before she leaves, she is the October 2015 Athlete of the Month.
1. Where are you from originally?
Rochester, NY
2. If not from Pittsburgh, what brought you to Pittsburgh?
My husband’s job- 2 years ago
3. Where do you work?
Industrial Athletics as a Coach, Ladyfingers Catering as Sous Chef
4. What is your favorite hobby?
Working out and cooking/playing mixologist for family and friends. I’ve been very lucky to have the opportunity to get paid to do both!
5. How did you discover CrossFit?
After having my second son 8 years ago I got into triathlons and half marathons and then got bored. A friend convinced me to buy a groupon for a local crossfit gym and I was hooked immediately.
6. When did you start CrossFit?
October 2012
7. Why did you start CrossFit?
I needed the challenge and was bored with regular gym strength routines.
8. What is your favorite thing to do in CrossFit?
The Olympic lifts- especially snatch
9. What is your least favorite thing to do in CrossFit?
Thrusters. Just thrusters.
10. What is the number 1 thing you want to get better at?
Heavy squats
11. What is your favorite part about coming to CrossFit at Industrial Athletics?
The people. When I moved here I was so scared to leave my box in Rochester. A good friend said “but you’re a crossfitter. You’ll have instant family”. She was right. Alloy has been my family here.
12. What is your favorite CrossFit WOD?
Fight gone bad