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Open Gym for 10/5/2014 and Olympic Lifting

October CrossFit Fundamentals Programs starts tomorrow.  If you have friends or family attending, make sure they are ready.

Do you ever come to the Gym and think, “Man, I really want to do this WOD I saw online?”  Or, “I really need to master double unders.”  Or even, “I saw one of the coaches do this awesome pullup thing this week, I wonder if I can learn to do that?”  If so, then Open Gym is where you need to be.  Open Gym is offered once a week from 9-11am to give our members a chance to come to Industrial Athletics and do what they want.  Last weekend, we tested a wod coming up in the future, another member worked on pullups, and some people tested a new training theory.  What will happen this week?

11:00am – Olympic lifting with Greene Barbell Club.