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Open Gym for 11/9/2014 and Olympic Lifting

By November 8, 2014No Comments

Good Luck to all Industrial Athletics members who are running in the EQT 10 Miler today.  We are proud of you and your choice to reach new fitness achievements.

For those planning to attend Open Gym, you may want to consider coming out Route 65 to the Marshall exit and circling back under Route 65 down onto Beaver Ave. in order to get to the gym.  We don’t believe they will be closing Beaver Ave. for the Race.

Open Gym is every Sunday from 9am-11am.  For those 2 hours, you can come to Industrial Athletics and do what you want.  Did you miss a workout this week?  Come make it up at Open Gym.  Did you miss the new strength program for November last Monday and/or Wednesday?  Open Gym is a perfect time to get in your heavy lifts for the week.  You can also try a WOD you have always wanted to do, but we have yet to program.  Sometimes, coaches are there testing upcoming WODs, and you may be asked to join.  You can also bring friends and family to Open Gym to see what CrossFit is all about.

11:00am – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club.