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Open Gym for 2/15/2015 and Olympic Lifting

By February 14, 2015No Comments

Every Sunday from 9-11am, we have Open Gym.  Open Gym is the time for our members to come do what they want at Industrial Athletics.  If you need more work on a particular Olympic Lift, Open Gym is the perfect time to do it.  If you have seen some of us swinging from pullup bars lately and want to know what we are doing, come to Open Gym and we will show you.  Or, maybe you missed a WOD this past week because of work.  Make it up today.

Open Gym also means open to the public.  If you know someone who wants to try CrossFit, bring them in.  We will spend an hour going over some movements and doing a little metcon so that they can see what CrossFit is all about.

11:00am – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club