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Open Gym for 7/27/2014 and Olympic Lifting

It is the last Sunday of July and the last day of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games.  If they winners aren’t already determined, make sure you watch.  Every athlete will be fighting as hard as possible on the final day.  They have been working out straight for 2 days, but you won’t know it.

For those who have been bitten by the CrossFit bug all over again and have to come in to the gym, we have Open Gym this morning.  Open Gym is your chance to come do what you want.  Do you need extra work on a particular movement, like Pullups, Open Gym is perfect for that.  Did you miss a heavy lift last week that you need to do?  Open Gym is the perfect time.  This week is the last week for the Pendlay Row and Front Squat.

11:00am – Olympic Lifting with Coach Mary