Sundays from 9am to 11am, Industrial Athletics holds an Open Gym. Open Gym is great for multiple reasons. First, it gives you the opportunity to come to Industrial Athletics to do what you want. Did you miss a WOD this past week? Come do it at Open Gym. Did you miss 15.4? We will have a judge on duty to record your score. Maybe you realized during 15.3 that you are so close to getting that first muscle up, you just need a little extra work. Open Gym is the perfect time to come to the gym and receive some special attention and extra work to master those skills.
This coming week, the more complex movements we will see during the WODs are ring dips, chest to bar pullups, double unders, and toes to bar. If you are on the edge of achieving any of these skills, need some extra pointers, or need some help developing these skills, come to Open Gym. We don’t always have the extra time during classes to teach certain transition skills. That’s why we hold Open Gym and also post tutorial videos with Freeman Technique, LLC.
11:00am – Olympic Lifting with Greene Barbell Club