Don’t forget that tomorrow starts our change in schedule. There will be no evening classes tomorrow (Thursday). We will be closed on Friday. Normal schedule on Saturday.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/23/2015:
For Time:
15 Squat Cleans (155/105)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Muscle Ups
30 STO (115/75)
30 Double Unders
15 Thursters (135/95)
30 Pullups
30 Burpees
30 OH Walking Unders (45/25)
Post Time To Comments
Platinum: As written above.
For Time:
10 Squat Cleans (155/105)
20 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Muscle Ups (may be banded Bar)
20 STO (115/75)
20 Double Unders
10 Thursters (135/95)
20 Pullups
20 Burpees
20 OH Walking Unders (45/25)
For Time:
10 Squat Cleans (135-115/95-75)
20 Toes to Bar or Hanging Leg Lifts
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 CTB Pullups (may be banded)
20 STO (75/55)
20 Double Unders or 60 Single Unders
10 Thursters (95/65)
20 Pullups (may be banded)
20 Burpees
20 OH Walking Unders (25/15)
For Time:
10 Squat Cleans (75/55)
20 Situps
20 Box Jumps (20/Short Box)
10 Jumping Pullups
20 STO (55/35)
60 Single Unders
10 Thursters (45/35)
20 Jumping Pullups
20 Burpees
20 Walking Unders