Today’s WOD is very similar to last Wednesday’s WOD of Dips, KB Swings, and Squats. The first movement will tax the arms, chest, and shoulders. From there, you will challenge your core and grip. You will finish each round with the lower body. Last week, the WOD was a longer 20 minute AMRAP. It was described as a steady burn that never seemed to end. Today’s will force you to keep up your pace as you fight for time.
Industrial Athletics WOD for 12/12/2017:
5 Rounds for time:
20 Pushups
20 TTB
20 BJ (24/20)
Platinum: As written above. Must jump up onto box.
5 Rounds for time:
15 Pushups
15 TTB
15 BJ (24/20)
5 Rounds for time:
15 Pushups (may use box)
15 Hanging Leg Raises
15 BJ (24/20)
5 Rounds for time:
15 Pushups (May use box)
15 Lying Leg Raises
15 BJ (20/short box)