This Sunday is the Meltdown at CrossFit Iron City. Matt, Mel, Jen, and Brandon will be competing on two teams. Sundays are a bit of an odd day for a competition, but we will be there. Make sure you wear your blue and white and come cheer on our athletes. Local competitions are always a great way to see the local CrossFit Community and see the large number of people increasing their work capacity around Pittsburgh. It will start around 9am and go until 4:30 or 5pm.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 9/24/2015:
Gymnastics Skill:
Handstand Pushups
2×5: Deficit
2×5: Level
2×10: Raised Target
Note: Scaling will be available
AMRAP 7 Min x2:
Row 1000m
Max Effort Thrusters (105/85)
Rest 3 Min
Post Thruster Rep for Each Round to Comments
Platinum: As Written above.
AMRAP 7 Min x2:
Row 1000m
Max Effort Thrusters (95/65)
Rest 3 Min
AMRAP 7 Min x2:
Row 750m
Max Effort Thrusters (75/55)
Rest 3 Min
AMRAP 7 Min x2:
Row 500m
Max Effort Thrusters (55/35)
Rest 3 Min