We are bringing back a time domain we haven’t tested in a while: short work period, short rest period. For a few months, we used this style of workout to improve our ability to recover quickly between short and intense sets of work. The class CrossFit WOD that uses this format is Fight Gone Bad. We last did that WOD earlier this month on August 5th. While Fight Gone Bad has no rest between sets of work, today’s wod will have a 30 sec rest between working. Don’t let this fool you. The 30 secs turns into transition time and really don’t provide that much rest.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 8/20/2015:
3×10 harder Pistol progression. If you regularly do pistols at a particular progression, pick a harder progression and work through 3 sets of 10 reps. Don’t know what the next step is? Ask a coach for help. If you are already proficient at unassisted pistols, add some weight.
3×10 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25)
2 Rounds for Reps
2 Min Row for Cal
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Double Unders
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Toes to Bar
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Squats
Post Reps to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
2 Rounds for Reps
2 Min Row for Cal
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Double Unders
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Hang Leg Raises
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Squats
2 Rounds for Reps
2 Min Row for Cal
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Single Unders
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Hanging Leg Raises
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Squats
2 Rounds for Reps
2 Min Row for Cal
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Single Under
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Sit ups
30 Sec Rest
2 Min Squats
Platinum: 394 (Round 1: 188; Round 2: 206). Did much better with D-U’s in Round 2.