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September 2014 CrossFit Fundamentals Course

Here we are in the last week of August and that means September is coming on quick.  With the beginning of every month comes another CrossFit Fundamentals Program.  For anyone who has never done CrossFit before, this is the perfect on ramp program to learn the movements, standards, and culture before joining our regular CrossFit class (Voted the Best CrossFit Box in Pittsburgh).

Because of the Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 1, 2014, we will be starting the September 2014 CrossFit Fundamentals Course on Monday, September 8th.  Each new member has the option of joining the CrossFit Fundamentals Course at either 6am or 5:30pm.  The September 2014 CrossFit Fundamentals Course is made up of 5 classes each running for 1 hour.  The classes meet on M/W/F of the first week of the Course and M/W of the second week.  Each participant must attend all 5 classes and attend them in order before graduating from the Course.  The cost of the Course is $100.  You must create an account on Mindbody to register for classes and we ask that you pay for your Course by credit card.  To enroll, go HERE.

Once completed, each participant is welcome to join our regular CrossFit Class on a 3-day a week pass for the remainder of the month.  To view our regular CrossFit Class Schedule, click HERE.

If you have additional questions, please contact us by email on the right side of your screen or call 412-465-0060.