We will be closed this Friday for the Happy Hour as Smallman Galley. There is a flyer on the refrigerator in the gym with details. Here is information on Facebook. No need to sign up in advance, just come spend some time with our Community outside of the gym.
Today’s WOD is another volume WOD. We anticipate this WOD to take longer than most we do. Make sure you pick a scaling that is challenging, but not impossible. The second round will be must more difficult than the first. Also, protect your hands. No tears on the toes to bar.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/9/2016:
For Time:
100 Situps
2 Rounds For Time:
25 Snatches (115/75)
50 Toes to Bar
25 Overhead Squats (115/75)
50 Situps
50 Air Squats
Banded Shoulder Sequence of the Pullup Rig
Post Time to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
2 Rounds For Time:
25 Snatches (95/65)
40 Toes to Bar
25 Overhead Squats (95/65)
40 Situps
40 Air Squats
2 Rounds For Time:
25 Snatches (95-75/65-55)
40 Hanging Leg Raises
25 Overhead Squats (95-75/65-55)
40 Situps
40 Air Squats
2 Rounds For Time:
20 Snatches (55/35)
35 Lying Leg Raises
20 Overhead Squats (55/35)
35 Situps
35 Air Squats
Steel rep scheme with 75 lbs. instead of 95 lbs.: 28+ minutes. I like the long WOD’s although 80 toes to bar in the morning can take some time. Have fun with this one, Jimmy!