It’s Friday. So, let’s try to PR our snatch. For today’s WOD, pick any variation of snatch you want to try to PR. If you have a previous PR, you will work at a percentage of that PR as you build toward a new PR. If you don’t have a previous PR, you will use the 9 minutes to find your first snatch PR.
Industrial Athletics WOD for 5/26/2017
Run 1 Mile
1/2 Mile
Oly Accessory Work:
Every 90 Sec x 6
1. 2 Snatches (60%)
2. 2 @ (70%)
3. 2 @ (80%)
4. 1 @ (90%)
5. 1 @ (100%)
6. 1 @PR Attempt
6:30pm – Olympic Lifting with Forged Steel Weightlifting Club