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ME Split Jerk for 4/7/2016

Last week, finished our push press strength sequence and maxed out our clean and jerk.  So, this week, we are going to test our max effort split jerk.  A highly technically lift, the split jerk requires a lot of coordination and confidence under a load.  When done properly, the legs slide into the split position and the athlete catches the bar overhead without a lot of upward movement on the bar.  Because we are driving ourselves below the bar, we are able to maximize the amount of weight we can press (“catch”) overhead.

If you are not comfortable with the split position yet, do a push jerk.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 4/7/2016:

Olympic Lifting Accessory Work:
Split Jerk

AMRAP 15 minutes:
Row 1000m
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    AMRAP 15 minutes:
    Row 1000m
    5 Pullups (banded)
    10 Pushups
    15 Squats

    AMRAP 15 minutes:
    Row 1000m
    3 Pullups (banded)
    6 Pushups (knees)
    9 Squats

    AMRAP 15 minutes:
    Row 750m
    3 Jumping Pullups
    6 Pushups (knees)
    9 Squats

  • joed says:

    Split Jerk: 155 lbs. for 1 rep

    Platinum WOD: 10 rounds + 7 with strict pull-ups.

    1,000 m row: 3:44

    BG: Thanks for pushing me!