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Squats, Pushups, HS Walks for 1/19/2018

By January 18, 2018One Comment

Today’s WOD is for the skilled.  The goal is to fatigue the entire body through simple body weight movements and then flip upside down to see if you can walk on your hands.  If you can’t walk on your hands regularly, don’t worry, there will be subs.

Industrial Athletics WOD for 1/19/2018:

E2MOM 10 Min:
Shoulder Press
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (85%)

AMRAP 12 Min:
20 Squats
20 Pushups
20 Squats
40 ft HS Walk

6:30pm:  Olympic Lifting with Forged Steel Weightlifting Club 

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  • Scaling:

    Platinum: As written above.

    AMRAP 12 Min:
    20 Squats
    20 Pushups
    20 Squats
    3 Wall Walks

    AMRAP 12 Min:
    20 Squats
    15 Pushups (may use box)
    20 Squats
    5 Box Walks

    AMRAP 12 Min:
    15 Squats
    10 Pushups (may use box)
    15 Squats
    10 Pushups