We are 1 week from moving. We will be releasing a schedule and outline of our plan for moving. We will try to make the move as organized as possible. If you are going to help us move, plan to do anything from picking up flooring, disassembling the pullup rig, or carrying GHD’s, to helping us clean and paint.
For the WOD today, we are going to tax our forearms again. We will start with some stair (might as well use them before we move). We will carry plates during our stair climbs to make sure our forearms are taxed for the pullups. Increase your grip strength and hold on tight. Arms not tired enough? We will finish each round with some ring dips.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/11/2016:
Tabata Mountain Climbers
AMRAP 15 Min:
1 FC Stair Climb (25/15)
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
Lying Groin Stretch
Pray Stretch on Boxes
Post Rounds to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
AMRAP 15 Min:
1 FC Stair Climb (25/15)
7 Pullups
7 Ring Dips (Red Band)
AMRAP 15 Min:
1 FC Stair Climb (15/10)
7 Pullups (banded)
7 Hand Release Push-ups (knees)
AMRAP 15 Min:
1 FC Stair Climb (10/0)
7 Ring Rows
7 Push-ups (knees)
Steel: 6 rounds with strict pull-ups and strict ring dips.
Great job this morning, Carri!