Stay Consistent
Staying consistent with your nutrition and fitness will help keep you focused for the new year. Remember that the holidays are just one day each. Do not get caught up in the all of nothing mentality. Try and get back on track as soon as possible after and leading up to the day. If you’re traveling, look for a local CrossFit box, use the hotel gym for calisthenics (bodyweight exercises), or run/walk on the treadmill.
Be Prepared
When you attend parties and holiday functions, be as prepared as possible. This may include eating a large meal before the party. You can also set a limit on desserts or drinks that you allow yourself to have at the event. Depending on your relationship with the host, you can ask them to share the menu ahead of time. This way you will not be surprised when you arrive. Lastly, you may even consider bringing a healthy dish or drink that you enjoy within the parameters of your diet.
Rest and Relaxation
During the holiday season, we tend to go, go, go! Let this be a time to catch up on sleep. Carve out time for yourself and for the people and activities that make you feel good. Take advantage of any off time you have to rejuvenate your body. Try and recover from the physical and mental stress that life can bring.
Drink You Water
This may sound cliché but, simply drink more water. During the holiday season, it is important to stay hydrated. This is a time where you may be indulging in more alcoholic beverages or high calorie foods that you don’t typically consume. Staying hydrated will help with unwanted snacking and overeating. Carbonated waters can also be a good alternative option to try.