Coming up in January, we will also be offering a self-defense seminar. The seminar date is January 23rd, it will run from 9am to noon. This is not a way to learn to punch and kick someone. This is a tactical class that will teach you how to evade dangerous situations in everyday life. For example, if someone attacks you on the street, you will learn the best ways to disarm that individual and get away. The cost of the seminar will depend on the number of people who sign up. Sign up on the main table to reserve your spot. We will cap it at 18.
Today is our Athlete of the Month WOD. As you will recall, Kim Griener was selected as our Athlete of the Month. With that honor comes the option to design a WOD that we program during the month. “Tabata What?” is something Kim created. Looks like a good one.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 12/17/2015:
Alt. Tabata Side Planks
“Tabata What?”
Tabata KB Snatches (1.5/1)
1 Min Rest
Tabata Ski Jumpers
1 Min Rest
Tabata Situps
1 Min Rest
Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
Banded Shoulder Sequence on the Pullups Rig
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Platinum: As written above.
Tabata KB Snatches (1.25/0.75)
1 Min Rest
Tabata Ski Jumpers
1 Min Rest
Tabata Situps
1 Min Rest
Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)(10/9)
Tabata KB Snatches (1/0.5)
1 Min Rest
Tabata Ski Jumpers
1 Min Rest
Tabata Situps
1 Min Rest
Tabata Wall Balls (20/14)(10/8)
Tabata KB Snatches (0.75/0.5)
1 Min Rest
Tabata Ski Jumpers
1 Min Rest
Tabata Situps
1 Min Rest
Tabata Wall Balls (14/10)(9/8)