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Competiton Class, and CFE for 12/17/2016

By December 16, 2016No Comments

We have a ton of activities for this morning.  Come find your Ohm.  At 9:30am our Competition Class gets together to prepare for local competitions.  Do you want to try competition class?  Ask a coach if you are ready.  Finally, at 11am, we are diving into our air squat with December’s Continuing Fitness Education.

9:30am – CrossFit Competition Class

WOD #1:
10 Min of Free Standing Handstand and Handstand Walking Practice

WOD #2:
E2MOM 14 Min:
1-2: 5 Front Squats (80%)
3-4: 3 Front Squats (85%)
5-7: 1 Front Squat (90%)

WOD #3:
AMRAP 30 Min:
Row 500m
100 Double Unders

11:00am – Continuing Fitness Education