The March 2016 CrossFit Fundamentals Program starts next Monday. Be sure you tell your friends and family who want to start CrossFit.
For those who didn’t make it during the buildout, here are directions to the new location:
1. Type 1707 Pennsylvania Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 into your GPS.
2. You will arrive at a building that houses “MedSpeed.”
3. Take the right enterrance ramp into the building lot, you will see a green dumpster to your right and a fence.
4. Travel down the right side of the building toward the back of the building.
5. While driving down the right side, our door is the last door on the left, you will see the “Industrial Athletics” sign.
6. Drive behind the building, or around to the left side of the building, and park anywhere you can find an open spot.
For today, we celebrate our February 2016 Athlete of the Month: James Crawford. Not only did Jim earn Athlete of the Month for being a great example of our Community, he showed up every day during the move to offer as much help. His willingness to take the lead on projects was incredibly helpful.
For his WOD, Jim chose “Amazing Grace.” The ladies WOD “Grace” is 30 Clean and Jerks for time and is a regular CrossFit Benchmark. A few years ago, a fundraiser was created for breast cancer called Barbells For Boobs. Athletes raised money and then completed “Amazing Grace.” This WOD is As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of Clean and Jerks at 135/95lbs.
CrossFit Alloy WOD for 2/22/2016:
Gymnastics Skill Work:
Toes to Bar Timing Practice:
3×5 Strict Leg Raises
3×5 Standard Kips
3×5 Kipping Leg Raises
3×5 Practice bringing legs higher and higher while kipping
“Amazing Grace”
Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Post Reps to Comments
Platinum: As written above.
Clean and Jerks (115/75)
Clean and Jerks (95-75/65-55)
Clean and Jerks (55/35)
GREAT CHOICE JIM! On Mondays, we wear red. 😉
35 Reps @ 75#
4:21 Grace PR
Thanks Stacey for keeping me pushing, we should do that again.