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Lots of great things happening at the gym lately! We’ve had a couple of successful competitions, played some basketball, and had the biggest Murph turnout to date! With all the exciting things we are having a hard time keeping track of everything so we are introducing a monthly Newsletter! Here’s the June Newsletter in case you missed it.

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New “CFE” Program Starting

In addition we will be starting a program called Continuing Fitness Education (“CFE”). The goal of this program is to zero in on certain aspects of movements, CrossFit Theory, or healthy life styles to provide more specialized information.

Join us Sunday, June 26th 9am – 10am as we will look deeper into the kipping pull-ups. The kipping pull-up derives its strength from the shoulders, chest, and core.

The workshop will focus on two main elements:
1. Breaking down and developing a proper hollow and arch position.
2. Building the strength required to pull your chin over the bar. We’ll introduce four exercises to help develop that strength.

RSVP on Facebook or the sign up sheet at the gym.
We hope to offer a CFE every month (either on Saturdays or during Open Gym). Each month, we will concentrate on a specific area of fitness. Your requests are welcomed.