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Sticking with the max effort theme this week, we are going to find our max effort squat snatch today.  Over the last couple of weeks, we have been working on skills needed to catch the bar overhead while in the bottom of the squat.  Today is your chance to test it.  If you aren’t satisfied, consider making squat snatches a 3 month goal.

Don’t forget to watch the Open Announcement tonight on Games.CrossFit.Com.  The annouced WOD will be the WOD for tomorrow.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 3/3/2016:

Olympic Lifting Accessory Work:
Squat Snatch
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

EMOM 15 Min:
Min 1: 50 Double Unders
Min 2: 10 Handstand Pushups
Min 3: 12 Pistols

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  • Crimlaw says:


    Platinum: As written above.

    EMOM 15 Min:
    Min 1: 35 Double Unders
    Min 2: 6 Handstand Pushups
    Min 3: 8 Pistols

    EMOM 15 Min:
    Min 1: 35 Double Unders or 70 Single Unders
    Min 2: 6 Piked Handstand Push-ups
    Min 3: 8 Pistol Progressions

    EMOM 15 Min:
    Min 1: 50 Single Unders
    Min 2: 6 DB Shoulder Press (30/15)
    Min 3: 8 Walking Lunges (each leg)

  • joed says:

    Squat Snatch: 95 lbs. (went light today)

    Steel Plus: Did 35 D-U’s, 6 HSPU’s and 12 pistols (all unbroken)