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Power Snatches for 1/5/2017

By January 4, 20172 Comments

Today is the first Thursday Open Gym at IA.  Here are some ground rules:

  1. Open Gym will follow our regular schedule.
  2. You must still sign up for classes.  Class caps still apply.  This open gym counts against 3 days a week and punch cards.
  3.  Your Open Gym only lasts for an hour.  You may stay into the next class if you have an unlimited membership and the next class is not capped.
  4.  A coach will be on duty, but will not run a structured class.  If you want special attention, please ask the coach.
  5.  There will be a WOD on the board like any other day.  It is your choice whether you want to do any or all of it.
  6.  Everyone must share equipment and be aware of others doing different workouts.

CrossFit Alloy WOD for 1/5/2016:

Olympic Lifting Accessory Work:
EMOM 10 Min:
3 Power Snatch (75%)

4 Rounds for Time:
10 Snatches (95/65)
10 Burpees

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